We believe in bringing manufacturing back to our shores. Supporting the local economy and making a quality product matter more to us than cutting costs. That's why we chose to have our entire product made and sourced right here in the USA.
We believe complacency kills. We are never satisfied and always work to improve ourselves, our products, our company, and the world. Innovation and creating new products that align with our goals are the number one priority.
We believe that as global citizens we have the responsibility to protect our planet for generations to come. Our goal is to source, produce, and distribute our products in the most sustainable and ethical manner possible.
Clipboard+ started simply with the idea for a clipboard that would allow the user to attach his or her smartphone to the clip. However, ideas alone do not make businesses. So in early 2012 Kevin Merlini along with fellow Penn State students Eric Reale, Dan(Zhaojun) Chu, and Patrick Ryan founded Clipboard+ to turn the idea into a reality. Working with a team of PSU engineering students, the team developed the Clipboard+ iPad to compliment the original idea for a smartphone clipboard. Armed with prototypes of both products the Clipboard+ team put together a Kickstarter campaign that Summer. The campaign was successful and raised enough money to continue the business.
During the Fall of 2012 Clipboard+ worked on fulfilling Kickstarter orders and taking the iPad product past its initial prototype stage. For the first few months of 2013 the founders of Clipboard+ were forced to put the business on the backburner to focus on other personal obligations. After the brief hiatus the team got back to work improving the product, switching manufacturers, and completely overhauling the order fulfillment process. Going forward Clipboard+ plans to introduce several new product lines, and aims to become the most trusted brand of clipboard-integrated mobile accessories.